
Sunday, May 8, 2016

How to Write Great Content Based on Keywords

Keywords won't rank on their own to rank well in the long-term, your keywords need to be supported by high content. However, it can be tough to figure out exactly what types of content you should be writing for a particular keyword. So here are some tips.

First, what do we want our content to DO?
In a nutshell, we want content that does the following:

  • Gets people engaged enough to stay on the page a while
  • Established authority and credibility
  • Encourages people to click things that make us money
  • Shows Google people find our content useful

Awesome, but how do we do that?

Download Long Tail University $197 Full Video Tutorial Series Google Drive Link: How to Write Great Content Based on Keywords

Full video tutorial series. Here I give my google drive link for you to download these videos

Lesson 1 Types of Keywords: CLICK HERE
Lesson 2 How to Find Seed Keywords & Pick a Niche: CLICK HERE
Lesson 3 How to Expand Seed Keywords: CLICK HERE
Lesson 4 Criteria of a Winning Keyword: CLICK HERE
Lesson 5 How to Analyze Your Competition: CLICK HERE
Lesson 6 Competitor Keywords & SEM Rush: CLICK HERE
Lesson 7 Developing a Keyword-Driven Content Strategy: CLICK HERE
Lesson 8 How to Write Great Content Based on Keywords: CLICK HERE
Lesson 9 WordPress Settings & On-Page SEO (Properly Targeting Keywords): CLICK HERE

Here's the #1 biggest rule for high keyword drove content

Answer the issue; the searcher is probably asking!

This is by far the most important, if you don't answer their question quickly and thoroughly, you'll lose them. Here's an example:

Suppose someone is searching for "best keyword drove content" what's that searcher want?

  • To see a bunch of different Content-based keyword driven content
  • Information on the actual Content-based keyword driven content
  • Tips, detailed recommendations, and other information for Content-based keyword driven content
  • What choice you made when looking for a Content-based keyword driven content
  • Where they can find Content-based keyword driven content

Kind of see what I mean? If you answer the question, readers will stay on the page longer, scroll down further, and take action. If you're doing your job will, they may even give you their email, become a fan, or buy something from you.

Another element of good content


Not matter what kind of site you run, your default sound should almost always be that of the "friendly expert."

Here's what that more or less looks like:

  • Fast and conversational
  • But incredibly informed and very knowledgeable
  • Invested in readers getting their problems solved, like a friend would

This works in nearly every niche and cpa ppd and affiliate market, with the possible exception of large or super-niche B2B markets.


Your style should have a couple of the main elements:

  • Consistent across your whole site
  • Consistent with your industry (e.g. jargon, design elements, content platforms, content types)
  • A+ grammar function

Even the most boring articles can get some shares. The best way to write content that both target a keyword and can get shares is to create different metadata simply for each platform.

Plugins like SEO by Yoast make this super easy. Make sure your "annoying" keyword is in H1 tag, URL and search metadata, so Google likes your article. Then, make sure your social metadata contains an excellent, shareable title.

Examples of high content:


Tips for hiring writers:

  • Offer longer contracts (writers LOVE consistent money)
  • Give 3-5 writers a test article and hire the best one
  • Hire writers who also contribute on large media sites if possible (The writing will be much higher quality, and you'll get natural mentions on those sites)

Where I hire freelancers:


Good content agencies:

  •     WordAgents:
  •     TextBroker:
  •     LongerDays:

Here's a downloadable cheat sheet for this lesson.

Places to Hire Writers Cheat Sheet : CLICK HERE

Keyword Research Blueprint for Great Content Based on Keywords:
Buying Keyword Competition footprints for Content Strategy:
"Best..", "..for women"top.." "..for kids" "..brands" "" "..for men" ".. for(insert hobby here (e.g runners)) "cheap" "Where to buy.." "..brands" "luxury" "..vs.." "under (e.g under $500 or under $1000)

Information keyword Competition Footprints for Great Content Based on Keywords:
"healthy.." "How do you" "How to make" "tutorial" "training" "Vs" "how to" "guide" "easy" "Compare" "day" faster" "eliminate/get rid of/prevent/reduce

eCommerce Competition keyword for Great Content Based on Keywords:
"buy" "..for sale" :discount.." "deals for.." "coupon" "new" "on sale" "purchase.."

Download Long Tail University $197 Full Video Tutorial Series Google Drive Link: How to Write Great Content Based on Keywords

Full video tutorial series. Here I give my google drive link for you to download these videos

Lesson 1 Types of Keywords: CLICK HERE
Lesson 2 How to Find Seed Keywords & Pick a Niche: CLICK HERE
Lesson 3 How to Expand Seed Keywords: CLICK HERE
Lesson 4 Criteria of a Winning Keyword: CLICK HERE
Lesson 5 How to Analyze Your Competition: CLICK HERE
Lesson 6 Competitor Keywords & SEM Rush: CLICK HERE
Lesson 7 Developing a Keyword-Driven Content Strategy: CLICK HERE
Lesson 8 How to Write Great Content Based on Keywords: CLICK HERE
Lesson 9 WordPress Settings & On-Page SEO (Properly Targeting Keywords): CLICK HERE


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